Monday, July 19, 2010

The 1st day of the rest of my life...yada, yada, yada

It's absolutely true that if guilt tripping were a sport, I'd have several gold medals. But that doesn't mean that I got up one morning and thought I should blog about all the things I currently don't love about myself.  Over the past few years/months/days I've thought of ways to work on different vices.  Instead of sinking into an "oh my gosh, I'm not living my best life" rut, I'm hoping this blog will help keep me accountable as I make a promise to live better.

Eventually I'll have some posts and/or pages up detailing what I plan to work on in order to live this "better life."  For now here's a short list:
  • Spending money like I got it;
  • Crapping up the earth (I don't think I have the worst ecological footprint, but it needs some serious improvement!);
  • Not getting adequate sleep; and
  • Making lists
Here goes nothing.

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