Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My First Oracle Reading

I've been intrigued by card reading for a while, but never really thought about doing it myself until a friend shared a photo of her African Goddess Affirmation Cards* by Abiola Abrams. They were really neat-looking and I decided to get a deck. The back of the package suggests using them for oracle readings. I used them for the first time this morning and I’m liking them so far.

What I Did
  1. Got my mind right: I lit a candle and asked my ancestors/guides (and only them) to be with me.
  2. Prepared the cards: Shuffled them.
  3. Asked the question: I didn’t have anything too specific to ask about, so I just asked “what do I need to know?”
  4. Spread: I did a 3-card “Desire, Compromise, Outcome” spread from left to right.
  What I Got

Card 1: Wuriupranilli
Desire: To be proud of who I am.
I could always use more confidence.Interesting that this goddess is associated with the color red because it's a color I often avoid because I think it's "too bold" and will attract attention.

Card 2: Atete
Compromise: Stepping out of my comfort zone.
Changing up food hasn’t been that hard for me, and I’ve added more activities to my daily routine like walking and going to the gym. Recently I started using the sauna after my workouts (and it is pure bliss). This is *major* because I sometimes worry “do I look okay” whenever I’m in public, especially at the gym. It’s hard to get out of my head.

Card 3: Ochumare
Outcome: I will accept my body.
I believe that I will gain self-confidence if I treat my body well.I like this description: "She rests in beauty of self awareness. She is blissful because she is in tune with the Universe."

After reading the cards and determining what they may mean, I said a quick "thank you" for the guidance.
It’s interesting that these cards are body-related (at least, that’s how I’m reading them). Last week I said to a dear friend, “Our bodies are temples!” I was telling her about my Lenten adventures and how I wanted to adopt a plant-based diet. Now that Lent is over I’m still vegan-ish!

I’m going to mediate over these cards and their questions for the next week or so.

I’ve been wanting to bike for the last few years, but my self-doubt has stopped me. Time to be BOLD! I’ve decided to get a bike this weekend and see what happens.

Really fun cards. Can’t wait to get moving.

*Only sharing pics of my first spread because it’s so exciting. If you want to see more cards, I’d recommend getting a set!

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